This animated film was created in 2000. Ivan Roca helped me immensely with his knowledge of video technique and computers. This is definitely the most successful work I’ve done so far. It has been shown in many countries around the world (Los Angeles, Berlin, Cairo, Tel Aviv, Budapest, Belgrade,...). The same year, I also won the Youth Salon Grand Prix in Zagreb. It was a money award I had to wait for six months, and if I hadn’t gone directly to the Zagreb City Department of Cultural Affairs, I would have waited probably even longer. This short film consists of two drawings and the only thing in motion is our hero’s mouth. Ronald (by the way, a real person) retells his life story and his experience of clinical death. Previously, he had been a criminal, drunkard, thief and junkie, but after this hellish nightmare, he experienced an epiphany and became a priest. The duration of the film is 10 minutes and I will soon put it on the web as well as the other 15 videos, some of which are: Kupa Danube Adriatic, Woman Photo Robot, Stabat Mater, Circle, Exotics, etc.